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scope() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Returns whether subcommands inherit their attributes from this parent command.
scope() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Returns the CommandLine.Model.IScope that determines where the setter sets the value (or the getter gets the value) of the annotated program element associated with this group.
scope() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns the CommandLine.Model.IScope that determines where the setter sets the value (or the getter gets the value) of the annotated program element associated with this group.
scope() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns the binding CommandLine.Model.IScope that determines on which object to set the value (or from which object to get the value) of this argument.
scope() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
scope() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Determines on which command(s) this option exists: on this command only (the default), or whether this is a "global" option that is applied to this command and all subcommands, sub-subcommands, etc.
scope() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Determines on which command(s) this positional parameter exists: on this command only (the default), or whether this is a "global" parameter that is applied to this command and all subcommands, sub-subcommands, etc.
scope(CommandLine.Model.IScope) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Sets the CommandLine.Model.IScope that targets where the setter sets the value of the annotated program element associated with this group, and returns this builder.
scopeType() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns the scope of this argument; is it local, or inherited (it applies to this command as well as all sub- and sub-subcommands).
scopeType() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns the scope of this argument; is it local, or inherited (it applies to this command as well as all sub- and sub-subcommands).
scopeType(CommandLine.ScopeType) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets the scope of where this argument applies: only this command, or also all sub (and sub-sub) commands, and returns this builder.
SECTION_KEY_AT_FILE_PARAMETER - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the @-file parameter list section.
SECTION_KEY_COMMAND_LIST - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Subcommand List section.
SECTION_KEY_COMMAND_LIST_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Subcommand List Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Description section.
SECTION_KEY_DESCRIPTION_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Description Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_END_OF_OPTIONS - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the -- End of Options list section.
SECTION_KEY_EXIT_CODE_LIST - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Exit Code List section.
SECTION_KEY_EXIT_CODE_LIST_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Exit Code List Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_FOOTER - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Footer section.
SECTION_KEY_FOOTER_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Footer Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_HEADER - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Header section.
SECTION_KEY_HEADER_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Header Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_OPTION_LIST - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Option List section.
SECTION_KEY_OPTION_LIST_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Option List Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_PARAMETER_LIST - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Parameter List section.
SECTION_KEY_PARAMETER_LIST_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Parameter List Heading section.
SECTION_KEY_SYNOPSIS - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Synopsis section.
SECTION_KEY_SYNOPSIS_HEADING - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Section key to control the section renderer for the Synopsis Heading section.
sectionKeys() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the section keys in the order that the usage help message should render the sections.
sectionKeys(List<String>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the section keys in the order that the usage help message should render the sections.
sectionMap() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the map of section keys and renderers used to construct the usage help message.
sectionMap(Map<String, CommandLine.IHelpSectionRenderer>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the map of section keys and renderers used to construct the usage help message to a copy of the specified map.
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
Returns this to allow method chaining when calling the setters for a fluent API.
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.DefaultExceptionHandler
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec.Builder
Returns this builder.
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec.Builder
Returns this builder.
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunAll
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunFirst
self() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunLast
SELF - picocli.CommandLine.Spec.Target
Injects the CommandSpec of the command where this @Spec-annotated program element is declared.
separator() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
String that separates options from option parameters.
separator() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer
Returns the separator between option name and param label.
separator() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
Returns the String to use as the separator between options and option parameters.
separator(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
Sets the String to use as the separator between options and option parameters.
set(T) - Method in class picocli.codegen.annotation.processing.AnnotatedElementHolder
This implementation does nothing.
set(T) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ISetter
Sets the new value of the option or positional parameter.
setAbbreviatedOptionsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether abbreviated option names should be matched.
setAbbreviatedSubcommandsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether abbreviated subcommands should be matched.
setAccessible(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.MethodParam
setAddMethodSubcommands(Boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets whether method commands should be added as subcommands.
setAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
setAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether line breaks should take wide Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters into account, and returns this UsageMessageSpec.
setAllowOptionsAsOptionParameters(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether options can have parameter values that match the name of an option in this command, or whether such values should be rejected with a missing parameter exception.
setAllowSubcommandsAsOptionParameters(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether options can have parameter values that match subcommand names or aliases, or whether such values should be rejected with a missing parameter exception.
setAtFileCommentChar(Character) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the character that starts a single-line comment or null if all content of argument files should be interpreted as arguments (without comments).
setCaseInsensitiveEnumValuesAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the parser should ignore case when converting arguments to enum values.
setColorScheme(CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the color scheme to use when printing help.
setCommandName(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the command name (also called program name) displayed in the usage help synopsis to the specified value.
setDefaultValueProvider(CommandLine.IDefaultValueProvider) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets a default value provider for the command and sub-commands
setEndOfOptionsDelimiter(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the end-of-options delimiter that signals that the remaining command line arguments should be treated as positional parameters.
setErr(PrintWriter) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the writer to use when printing diagnostic (error) messages during command execution.
setExecutionExceptionHandler(CommandLine.IExecutionExceptionHandler) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets a custom handler for dealing with exceptions that occurred in the Callable, Runnable or Method user object of a command when the command was executed via the execute method.
setExecutionResult(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the result of calling the business logic on the command's user object.
setExecutionStrategy(CommandLine.IExecutionStrategy) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the execution strategy that the execute method should use to invoke the business logic on the user objects of this command and/or the user-specified subcommand(s).
setExitCodeExceptionMapper(CommandLine.IExitCodeExceptionMapper) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the mapper used by the execute method to map exceptions to exit codes.
setExpandAtFiles(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether arguments starting with '@' should be treated as the path to an argument file and its contents should be expanded into separate arguments for each line in the specified file.
setHelpFactory(CommandLine.IHelpFactory) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets a new IHelpFactory to customize the usage help message.
setHelpSectionKeys(List<String>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the section keys in the order that the usage help message should render the sections.
setHelpSectionMap(Map<String, CommandLine.IHelpSectionRenderer>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the map of section keys and renderers used to construct the usage help message.
setInterpolateVariables(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether variables should be interpolated in String values.
setLevel(CommandLine.TraceLevel) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Tracer
Sets the trace level that needs to be matched or exceeded for internal tracing statements to be printed.
setLoadBundles(boolean) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.Messages
During annotation processing, resource bundles may not be available on the classpath and thereby cause failures.
setLoadResourceBundles(boolean) - Static method in class picocli.codegen.annotation.processing.AbstractCommandSpecProcessor
During annotation processing, resource bundles may not be available on the classpath and thereby cause failures.
setNegatableOptionTransformer(CommandLine.INegatableOptionTransformer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the INegatableOptionTransformer used to create the negative form of negatable options.
setOptionsCaseInsensitive(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether upper case and lower case should be ignored when matching option names.
setOut(PrintWriter) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the writer to use when printing user-requested usage help or version help during command execution.
setOverwrittenOptionsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether options for single-value fields can be specified multiple times on the command line without a CommandLine.OverwrittenOptionException being thrown.
setParameterExceptionHandler(CommandLine.IParameterExceptionHandler) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the handler for dealing with invalid user input when the command is executed.
setPosixClusteredShortOptionsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether short options like -x -v -f SomeFile can be clustered together like -xvfSomeFile.
setResourceBundle(ResourceBundle) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the ResourceBundle containing usage help message strings.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the String the parser uses to separate option names from option values to the specified value.
setSplitQuotedStrings(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Most applications should not change the default. The rare application that does need to split parameter values without respecting quotes should use CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec.splitQuotedStrings(boolean).
setStopAtPositional(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the parser interprets the first positional parameter as "end of options" so the remaining arguments are all treated as positional parameters.
setStopAtUnmatched(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the parser should stop interpreting options and positional parameters as soon as it encounters an unmatched option.
setSubcommandsCaseInsensitive(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether upper case and lower case should be ignored when matching subcommands.
setter() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Returns the CommandLine.Model.ISetter that is responsible for modifying the value of the annotated program element associated with this group.
setter() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns the CommandLine.Model.ISetter that is responsible for modifying the value of the annotated program element associated with this group.
setter() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns the CommandLine.Model.ISetter that is responsible for modifying the value of this argument.
setter() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
setter() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UnmatchedArgsBinding
Returns the setter responsible for consuming the unmatched arguments.
setter(CommandLine.Model.ISetter) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Sets the CommandLine.Model.ISetter that is responsible for modifying the value of the annotated program element associated with this group, and returns this builder.
setTerminal(Terminal) - Method in class picocli.shell.jline3.PicocliCommands.PicocliCommandsFactory
setToggleBooleanFlags(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the value of boolean flag options should be "toggled" when the option is matched.
setTrimQuotes(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the parser should trim quotes from command line arguments before processing them.
setUnmatchedArgumentsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the end user may specify unmatched arguments on the command line without a CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException being thrown.
setUnmatchedOptionsAllowedAsOptionParameters(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether options can have parameter values that resemble an option, or whether such values should be rejected as unknown options.
setUnmatchedOptionsArePositionalParams(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether arguments on the command line that resemble an option should be treated as positional parameters.
setUsageHelpAutoWidth(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether picocli should attempt to detect the terminal size and adjust the usage help message width to take the full terminal width.
setUsageHelpLongOptionsMaxWidth(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the maximum usage help long options column max width to the specified value.
setUsageHelpWidth(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the maximum width of the usage help message.
setUseSimplifiedAtFiles(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether to use a simplified argument file format that is compatible with JCommander.
setValue(T) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Sets the value of this argument to the specified value and returns the previous value.
setValue(T, CommandLine) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
use CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec.setValue(Object) instead. This was a design mistake.
shortestFirst() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Sorts short strings before longer strings.
shortestName() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
Returns the shortest option name.
showAtFileInUsageHelp() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Specify true to show a [@<filename>...] entry in the synopsis and parameter list of the usage help message.
showAtFileInUsageHelp() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether to show a [@<filename>...] entry in the synopsis and parameter list of the usage help message.
showAtFileInUsageHelp(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether to show a [@<filename>...] entry in the synopsis and parameter list of the usage help message.
showDefaultValue() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns whether this option or positional parameter's default value should be shown in the usage help.
showDefaultValue() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Use this attribute to control for a specific option whether its default value should be shown in the usage help message.
showDefaultValue() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Use this attribute to control for a specific positional parameter whether its default value should be shown in the usage help message.
showDefaultValues() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Specify true to show default values in the description column of the options list (except for boolean options).
showDefaultValues() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns whether the options list in the usage help message should show default values for all non-boolean options.
showDefaultValues(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether the options list in the usage help message should show default values for all non-boolean options.
showEndOfOptionsDelimiterInUsageHelp() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Specify true to show a [--] "End of options" entry in the synopsis and option list of the usage help message.
showEndOfOptionsDelimiterInUsageHelp() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether to show a [--] (End of Options) entry in the synopsis and options list of the usage help message.
showEndOfOptionsDelimiterInUsageHelp(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether to show a [--] (End of Options) entry in the synopsis and options list of the usage help message.
SOFTWARE - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.ExitCode
Return value from the execute method signifying internal software error: an exception occurred when invoking the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of a command.
sortOptions() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Specify false to show Options in declaration order in the option list of the usage help message (or to sort options by their order index if set).
sortOptions() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns whether the options list in the usage help message should be sorted alphabetically.
sortOptions(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether the options list in the usage help message should be sorted alphabetically.
sortSynopsis() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Specify false to show options in declaration order in the synopsis of the usage help message (or to sort options by their order index if set).
sortSynopsis() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns whether the options in the synopsis should be sorted alphabetically.
sortSynopsis(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets whether the options in the synopsis should be sorted alphabetically.
SPAN - picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column.Overflow
specElements() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Returns the list of program elements annotated with {@literal @}Spec configured for this group.
specElements() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns the list of program elements annotated with {@literal @}Spec configured for this group.
specElements() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns the list of program elements annotated with {@literal @}Spec configured for this command.
split() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Specify a regular expression to use to split option parameter values before applying them to the field.
split() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Specify a regular expression to use to split positional parameter values before applying them to the field.
splitLines() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
splitQuotedStrings() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
splitQuotedStrings(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
splitRegex() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns a regular expression to split option parameter values or "" if the value should not be split.
splitRegexSynopsisLabel() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns a regular expression to split option parameter for usage information.
splitSynopsisLabel() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Specify the string to display for the split regular expression in the usage help synopsis.
splitSynopsisLabel() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Specify a string to show the split option parameter values in usage
stackTraces(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder
Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for stack traces in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
stackTraceStyles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder
Returns the registered styles for stack traces in this color scheme builder.
stackTraceStyles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns the registered styles for stack traces in this color scheme.
stackTraceText(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all stackTrace styles applied to all lines in the specified stackTrace string.
stackTraceText(Throwable) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all stackTrace styles applied to all lines in the stack trace of the specified Throwable.
stopAtPositional() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
stopAtPositional(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
stopAtUnmatched() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
stopAtUnmatched(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
string(String) - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi
Returns a String where any markup like @|bg(red),white,underline some text|@ is converted to ANSI escape codes if this Ansi is ON, or suppressed if this Ansi is OFF.
string(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a String where any markup like @|bg(red),white,underline some text|@ is converted to the styles defined in this ColorScheme (if its Ansi mode is ON), or to the plain text without the markup (if this ColorScheme's Ansi mode is OFF).
stringValues() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns the untyped command line arguments matched by this option or positional parameter spec.
subcommand() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
Returns the ParseResult for the last subcommand of this command that was matched on the command line, or null if no subcommand was matched.
subcommand(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult.Builder
Sets the specified ParseResult for a subcommand that was matched on the command line.
subcommands() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
A list of classes to instantiate and register as subcommands.
subcommands() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the map of non-hidden subcommand Help instances for this command Help.
subcommands() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns a read-only view of the subcommand map.
subcommands() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
Returns a list with the ParseResult objects for each subcommand of this command that was matched on the command line or an empty list if no subcommands were matched.
subcommandsCaseInsensitive() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns whether the subcommands are case-insensitive.
subcommandsCaseInsensitive(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets the case-insensitivity of subcommands.
subcommandsRepeatable() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Returns whether the subcommands of this command are repeatable, that is, whether such subcommands can occur multiple times and may be followed by sibling commands instead of only by child commands of the subcommand.
subcommandsRepeatable() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns whether the subcommands of this command are repeatable, that is, whether such subcommands can occur multiple times and may be followed by sibling commands instead of just child commands.
subcommandsRepeatable(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets whether the subcommands of this command are repeatable, that is, whether such subcommands can occur multiple times and may be followed by sibling commands instead of just child commands.
subgroups() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Returns the list of subgroups that this group is composed of.
subgroups() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Return the subgroups that this group is composed of; may be empty but not null.
substring(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a new Text instance that is a substring of this Text.
substring(int, int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a new Text instance that is a substring of this Text.
synopsis() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
synopsis() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns the synopsis of this group.
synopsis(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a synopsis for the command, reserving the specified space for the synopsis heading.
synopsisAutoIndentThreshold() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the fraction of the usage help CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec.width() that is the threshold up to which the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis should be aligned to the end of the command name.
synopsisAutoIndentThreshold(double) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the fraction of the usage help CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec.width() that is the threshold up to which the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis should be aligned to the end of the command name.
synopsisHeading() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Set the heading preceding the synopsis text.
synopsisHeading() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the optional heading preceding the synopsis.
synopsisHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the synopsis text; the result of String.format(synopsisHeading, params).
synopsisHeading(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the optional heading preceding the synopsis.
synopsisHeadingLength() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the number of characters the synopsis heading will take on the same line as the synopsis.
synopsisIndent() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the indentation to use on the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis when the length of the synopsis heading and the fully qualified command name exceed the CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec.width() times the CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec.synopsisAutoIndentThreshold(), -1 by default.
synopsisIndent(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the indentation to use on the 2nd line and subsequent lines of a multi-line synopsis when the length of the synopsis heading and the fully qualified command name exceed the CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec.synopsisAutoIndentThreshold() fraction of the CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec.width(), -1 by default.
synopsisSubcommandLabel() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Specify the String to show in the synopsis for the subcommands of this command.
synopsisSubcommandLabel() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the String representing the subcommands in the synopsis.
synopsisSubcommandLabel(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the String representing the subcommands in the synopsis.
synopsisText(CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme, Set<CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns the synopsis of this group.
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