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echo() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns whether the user input is echoed to the console or not for an interactive option or positional parameter when asking for user input.
echo() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Use this attribute to control whether user input for an interactive option is echoed to the console or not.
echo() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Use this attribute to control whether user input for an interactive positional parameter is echoed to the console or not.
empty(CommandLine.Model.Messages) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.Messages
Returns true if the specified Messages is null, has a null ResourceBundle, or has a null parent Messages.
enabled() - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi
Returns true if ANSI escape codes should be emitted, false otherwise.
END_OF_OPTIONS_OPTION - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
endOfOptionsDelimiter() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
endOfOptionsDelimiter(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
endOfOptionsList() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the section of the usage help message that lists the -- End of Options delimiter and its description.
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class picocli.codegen.util.Assert
equalsImpl(CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
err() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
Returns the stream to print diagnostic messages to.
error(Element, String, Object...) - Method in class picocli.codegen.annotation.processing.AbstractCommandSpecProcessor
Prints a compile-time error message for the specified element.
errors() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
If CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec.collectErrors is true, returns the list of exceptions that were encountered during parsing, otherwise, returns an empty list.
errors(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder
Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for errors in this color scheme builder and returns this builder.
errorStyles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme.Builder
Returns the registered styles for errors in this color scheme builder.
errorStyles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns the registered styles for errors in this color scheme.
errorText(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all error styles applied to the specified error string.
exclusive() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.ArgGroup
Determines whether this is a mutually exclusive group; true by default.
exclusive() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Returns whether this is a mutually exclusive group; true by default.
exclusive() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns whether this is a mutually exclusive group; true by default.
exclusive(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Sets whether this is a mutually exclusive group; true by default.
execute(String...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Convenience method to allow command line application authors to avoid some boilerplate code in their application.
execute(CommandRegistry.CommandSession, String, String[]) - Method in class picocli.shell.jline3.PicocliCommands
execute(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractParseResultHandler
execute(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IExecutionStrategy
"Executes" the user input and returns an exit code.
execute(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunAll
"Executes" the user input and returns an exit code.
execute(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunFirst
"Executes" the user input and returns an exit code.
execute(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunLast
"Executes" the user input and returns an exit code.
executeHelpRequest(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Helper method that may be useful when processing the ParseResult that results from successfully parsing command line arguments.
ExecutionException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(CommandLine, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ExecutionException
exit(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
Calls System.exit(int) with the specified exit code.
EXIT_CODE_COMMAND_SCRIPT_EXISTS - Static variable in class picocli.AutoComplete
Exit code of this application when the specified command script exists (2).
EXIT_CODE_COMPLETION_SCRIPT_EXISTS - Static variable in class picocli.AutoComplete
Exit code of this application when the specified completion script exists (3).
EXIT_CODE_EXECUTION_ERROR - Static variable in class picocli.AutoComplete
Exit code of this application when an exception was encountered during operation (4).
EXIT_CODE_INVALID_INPUT - Static variable in class picocli.AutoComplete
Exit code of this application when the specified command line arguments are invalid (1).
EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class picocli.AutoComplete
Normal exit code of this application (0).
exitCode() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
Returns the exit code to use as the termination status, or null (the default) if the handler should not call System.exit(int) after processing completes.
exitCodeList() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Set the values to be displayed in the exit codes section as a list of "key:value" pairs: keys are exit codes, values are descriptions.
exitCodeList() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a 2-column list with exit codes and their description.
exitCodeList() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns an unmodifiable map with values to be displayed in the exit codes section: keys are exit codes, values are descriptions.
exitCodeList(Map<String, String>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the values to be displayed in the exit codes section: keys are exit codes, values are descriptions.
exitCodeListHeading() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Set the heading preceding the exit codes section, may contain "%n" line separators.
exitCodeListHeading() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Returns the optional heading preceding the exit codes section, may contain "%n" line separators.
exitCodeListHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the exit code list text; the result of String.format(exitCodeHeading, params).
exitCodeListHeading(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
Sets the optional heading preceding the exit codes section, may contain "%n" line separators.
exitCodeOnExecutionException() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Exit code signifying that an exception occurred when invoking the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of a command.
exitCodeOnExecutionException() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns exit code signifying that an exception occurred when invoking the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of a command.
exitCodeOnExecutionException(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets exit code signifying that an exception occurred when invoking the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of a command.
exitCodeOnInvalidInput() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Exit code for command line usage error.
exitCodeOnInvalidInput() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns exit code for command line usage error.
exitCodeOnInvalidInput(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets exit code for command line usage error.
exitCodeOnSuccess() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Exit code for successful termination.
exitCodeOnSuccess() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns exit code for successful termination.
exitCodeOnSuccess(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets exit code for successful termination.
exitCodeOnUsageHelp() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Exit code for successful termination after printing usage help on user request.
exitCodeOnUsageHelp() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns exit code for successful termination after printing usage help on user request.
exitCodeOnUsageHelp(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets exit code for successful termination after printing usage help on user request.
exitCodeOnVersionHelp() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
Exit code for successful termination after printing version help on user request.
exitCodeOnVersionHelp() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns exit code for successful termination after printing version help on user request.
exitCodeOnVersionHelp(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets exit code for successful termination after printing version help on user request.
expandAtFiles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
expandAtFiles(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
expandedArgs() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
Returns the command line arguments after @-files were expanded; these are the arguments that were actually parsed.
expandedArgs(Collection<String>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult.Builder
Sets the specified command line arguments after @-files were expanded; these are the arguments that were actually parsed.
extractExitCodeGenerators(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractParseResultHandler
extractExitCodeGenerators(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunAll
extractExitCodeGenerators(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunFirst
extractExitCodeGenerators(CommandLine.ParseResult) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunLast
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