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underline - picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
unmatched() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
Returns a list of command line arguments that did not match any options or positional parameters.
unmatchedArgsBindings() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns the list of UnmatchedArgumentsBindings configured for this command; each UnmatchedArgsBinding captures the arguments that could not be matched to any options or positional parameters.
UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, List<String>) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, List<String>, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, Stack<String>) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
unmatchedArgumentsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
unmatchedArgumentsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
unmatchedOptionsAllowedAsOptionParameters() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
unmatchedOptionsAllowedAsOptionParameters(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
unmatchedOptionsArePositionalParams() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
unmatchedOptionsArePositionalParams(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
unspecified(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns a new Range object with the isUnspecified value replaced by the specified value.
updateArgGroupAttributes(CommandLine.ArgGroup) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec.Builder
Updates this builder from the specified annotation values.
updateCommandAttributes(CommandLine.Command, CommandLine.IFactory) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Updates the following attributes from the specified @Command annotation: aliases, parser separator, command name, version, help command, version provider, default provider and usage message spec.
usage(PrintStream) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
usage(PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
usage(PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Prints a usage help message for the annotated command class to the specified PrintStream.
usage(PrintWriter) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
usage(PrintWriter, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Similar to CommandLine.usage(PrintStream, Help.Ansi) but with the specified PrintWriter instead of a PrintStream.
usage(PrintWriter, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Similar to CommandLine.usage(PrintStream, Help.ColorScheme), but with the specified PrintWriter instead of a PrintStream.
usage(Object, PrintStream) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Equivalent to new CommandLine(command).usage(out).
usage(Object, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Equivalent to new CommandLine(command).usage(out, ansi).
usage(Object, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Equivalent to new CommandLine(command).usage(out, colorScheme).
USAGE - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.ExitCode
Return value from the execute method signifying command line usage error: user input for the command was incorrect, e.g., the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever.
usageHelp() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec.Builder
Returns whether this option allows the user to request usage help.
usageHelp() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
Returns whether this option allows the user to request usage help.
usageHelp() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Set usageHelp=true for the --help option that triggers display of the usage help message.
usageHelp(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec.Builder
Sets whether this option allows the user to request usage help, and returns this builder.
usageHelpAutoWidth() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
If true, picocli will attempt to detect the terminal width and adjust the usage help message accordingly.
usageHelpWidth() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Command
usageMessage() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns the usage help message specification for this command.
usageMessage(CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Initializes the usageMessage specification for this command from the specified settings and returns this commandSpec.
UsageMessageSpec() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Model.UsageMessageSpec
useAnsi(CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
UseDefaultConverter() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.UseDefaultConverter
useErr(PrintStream) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
useOut(PrintStream) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.AbstractHandler
userObject() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns the user object associated with this option or positional parameters.
userObject() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns the user object associated with this command.
userObject() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
useSimplifiedAtFiles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
useSimplifiedAtFiles(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec
Util - Class in picocli.codegen.util
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