A B C D E F G H I J L M O P R S T U V W 


abbreviatedSynopsis() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Generates a generic synopsis like <command name> [OPTIONS] [PARAM1 [PARAM2]...], omitting parts that don't apply to the command (e.g., does not show [OPTIONS] if the command has no options).
abbreviateSynopsis - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
If true, the synopsis line(s) will show an abbreviated synopsis without detailed option names.
addAllSubcommands(Map<String, CommandLine>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Registers all specified subcommands with this Help.
addEmptyRow() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Adds the required char[] slots for a new row to the CommandLine.Help.TextTable.columnValues field.
addOption(Field, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Delegates to the option renderer of this layout to obtain text values for the specified CommandLine.Option, and then calls the CommandLine.Help.Layout.layout(Field, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text[][]) method to write these text values into the correct cells in the TextTable.
addOptions(List<Field>, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
addPositionalParameter(Field, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Delegates to the parameter renderer of this layout to obtain text values for the specified CommandLine.Parameters, and then calls CommandLine.Help.Layout.layout(Field, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text[][]) to write these text values into the correct cells in the TextTable.
addPositionalParameters(List<Field>, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
addRowValues(String...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
addRowValues(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Adds a new empty row, then calls putValue for each of the specified values, adding more empty rows if the return value indicates that the value spanned multiple columns or was wrapped to multiple rows.
addSubcommand(String, Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Registers a subcommand with the specified name.
addSubcommand(String, Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Registers the specified subcommand with this Help.
ansi() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns whether ANSI escape codes are enabled or not.
ansi() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
append(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a new Text instance with the specified text appended.
append(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a new Text instance with the specified text appended.
apply(String, List<CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle>) - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi
Returns a new Text object where all the specified styles are applied to the full length of the specified plain text.
applySystemProperties() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Replaces colors and styles in this scheme with ones specified in system properties, and returns this scheme.
AutoComplete - Class in picocli
Stand-alone tool that generates bash auto-complete scripts for picocli-based command line applications.


bash(String, File, File, CommandLine) - Static method in class picocli.AutoComplete
Generates source code for an autocompletion bash script for the specified picocli-based application, and writes this script to the specified out file, and optionally writes an invocation script to the specified command file.
bash(String, CommandLine) - Static method in class picocli.AutoComplete
Generates and returns the source code for an autocompletion bash script for the specified picocli-based application.
bg(String) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Parses the specified style markup and returns the associated style.


call(C, PrintStream, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
call(C, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Convenience method to allow command line application authors to avoid some boilerplate code in their application.
cellAt(int, int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
clone() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
colorScheme - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
column - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable.Cell
Table column index (zero based).
columns - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
The column definitions of this table.
columnValues - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
The char[] slots of the TextTable to copy text values into.
COMMAND_LINE - Static variable in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Name of the property that holds the CommandLine instance for this script ("commandLine").
CommandLine - Class in picocli
CommandLine interpreter that uses reflection to initialize an annotated domain object with values obtained from the command line arguments.
CommandLine(Object) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine
Constructs a new CommandLine interpreter with the specified annotated object and a default subcommand factory.
CommandLine(Object, CommandLine.IFactory) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine
Constructs a new CommandLine interpreter with the specified annotated object and object factory.
CommandLine.Command - Annotation Type in picocli
Annotate your class with @Command when you want more control over the format of the generated help message.
CommandLine.DefaultExceptionHandler - Class in picocli
Default exception handler that prints the exception message to the specified PrintStream, followed by the usage message for the command or subcommand whose input was invalid.
CommandLine.DefaultExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.DefaultExceptionHandler
CommandLine.DuplicateOptionAnnotationsException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that multiple fields have been annotated with the same Option name.
CommandLine.DuplicateOptionAnnotationsException(String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.DuplicateOptionAnnotationsException
CommandLine.ExecutionException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating a problem while invoking a command or subcommand.
CommandLine.ExecutionException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ExecutionException
CommandLine.ExecutionException(CommandLine, String, Exception) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ExecutionException
CommandLine.Help - Class in picocli
A collection of methods and inner classes that provide fine-grained control over the contents and layout of the usage help message to display to end users when help is requested or invalid input values were specified.
CommandLine.Help(Object) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Constructs a new Help instance with a default color scheme, initialized from annotatations on the specified class and superclasses.
CommandLine.Help(Object, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Constructs a new Help instance with a default color scheme, initialized from annotatations on the specified class and superclasses.
CommandLine.Help(Object, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Constructs a new Help instance with the specified color scheme, initialized from annotatations on the specified class and superclasses.
CommandLine.Help.Ansi - Enum in picocli
Provides methods and inner classes to support using ANSI escape codes in usage help messages.
CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle - Interface in picocli
Defines the interface for an ANSI escape sequence.
CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style - Enum in picocli
A set of pre-defined ANSI escape code styles and colors, and a set of convenience methods for parsing text with embedded markup style names, as well as convenience methods for converting styles to strings with embedded escape codes.
CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text - Class in picocli
Encapsulates rich text with styles and colors.
CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text(int) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Constructs a Text with the specified max length (for use in a TextTable Column).
CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text(String) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Constructs a Text with the specified String, which may contain markup like @|bg(red),white,underline some text|@.
CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme - Class in picocli
All usage help message are generated with a color scheme that assigns certain styles and colors to common parts of a usage message: the command name, options, positional parameters and option parameters.
CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Constructs a new ColorScheme with CommandLine.Help.Ansi.AUTO.
CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme(CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Constructs a new ColorScheme with the specified Ansi enabled mode.
CommandLine.Help.Column - Class in picocli
Columns define the width, indent (leading number of spaces in a column before the value) and Overflow policy of a column in a TextTable.
CommandLine.Help.Column(int, int, CommandLine.Help.Column.Overflow) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column
CommandLine.Help.Column.Overflow - Enum in picocli
Policy for handling text that is longer than the column width: span multiple columns, wrap to the next row, or simply truncate the portion that doesn't fit.
CommandLine.Help.IOptionRenderer - Interface in picocli
When customizing online help for Option details, a custom IOptionRenderer can be used to create textual representation of an Option in a tabular format: one or more rows, each containing one or more columns.
CommandLine.Help.IParameterRenderer - Interface in picocli
When customizing online help for Parameters details, a custom IParameterRenderer can be used to create textual representation of a Parameters field in a tabular format: one or more rows, each containing one or more columns.
CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer - Interface in picocli
When customizing online usage help for an option parameter or a positional parameter, a custom IParamLabelRenderer can be used to render the parameter name or label to a String.
CommandLine.Help.Layout - Class in picocli
Use a Layout to format usage help text for options and parameters in tabular format.
CommandLine.Help.Layout(CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Constructs a Layout with the specified color scheme, a new default TextTable, the default option renderer, and the default parameter renderer.
CommandLine.Help.Layout(CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme, CommandLine.Help.TextTable) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Constructs a Layout with the specified color scheme, the specified TextTable, the default option renderer, and the default parameter renderer.
CommandLine.Help.Layout(CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme, CommandLine.Help.TextTable, CommandLine.Help.IOptionRenderer, CommandLine.Help.IParameterRenderer) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Constructs a Layout with the specified color scheme, the specified TextTable, the specified option renderer and the specified parameter renderer.
CommandLine.Help.TextTable - Class in picocli
Responsible for spacing out CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text values according to the CommandLine.Help.Column definitions the table was created with.
CommandLine.Help.TextTable(CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Constructs a TextTable with five columns as follows: required option/parameter marker (width: 2, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow) short option name (width: 2, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow) comma separator (width: 1, indent: 0, TRUNCATE on overflow) long option name(s) (width: 24, indent: 1, SPAN multiple columns on overflow) description line(s) (width: 51, indent: 1, WRAP to next row on overflow)
CommandLine.Help.TextTable(CommandLine.Help.Ansi, int...) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Constructs a new TextTable with columns with the specified width, all SPANning multiple columns on overflow except the last column which WRAPS to the next row.
CommandLine.Help.TextTable(CommandLine.Help.Ansi, CommandLine.Help.Column...) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Constructs a TextTable with the specified columns.
CommandLine.Help.TextTable.Cell - Class in picocli
Helper class to index positions in a Help.TextTable.
CommandLine.Help.TextTable.Cell(int, int) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable.Cell
Constructs a new Cell with the specified coordinates in the table.
CommandLine.IExceptionHandler - Interface in picocli
Represents a function that can handle a ParameterException that occurred while parsing the command line arguments.
CommandLine.IFactory - Interface in picocli
Factory for instantiating classes that are registered declaratively with annotation attributes, like CommandLine.Command.subcommands(), CommandLine.Option.converter(), CommandLine.Parameters.converter() and CommandLine.Command.versionProvider().
CommandLine.InitializationException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating a problem during CommandLine initialization.
CommandLine.InitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.InitializationException
CommandLine.InitializationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.InitializationException
CommandLine.IParseResultHandler - Interface in picocli
Represents a function that can process a List of CommandLine objects resulting from successfully parsing the command line arguments.
CommandLine.ITypeConverter<K> - Interface in picocli
When parsing command line arguments and initializing fields annotated with @Option or @Parameters, String values can be converted to any type for which a ITypeConverter is registered.
CommandLine.IVersionProvider - Interface in picocli
Provides version information for a command.
CommandLine.MaxValuesforFieldExceededException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that more values were specified for an option or parameter than its arity allows.
CommandLine.MaxValuesforFieldExceededException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.MaxValuesforFieldExceededException
CommandLine.MissingParameterException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that a required parameter was not specified.
CommandLine.MissingParameterException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.MissingParameterException
CommandLine.MissingTypeConverterException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that an annotated field had a type for which no CommandLine.ITypeConverter was registered.
CommandLine.MissingTypeConverterException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.MissingTypeConverterException
CommandLine.Option - Annotation Type in picocli
Annotate fields in your class with @Option and picocli will initialize these fields when matching arguments are specified on the command line.
CommandLine.OverwrittenOptionException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that an option for a single-value option field has been specified multiple times on the command line.
CommandLine.OverwrittenOptionException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.OverwrittenOptionException
CommandLine.ParameterException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating something went wrong while parsing command line options.
CommandLine.ParameterException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ParameterException
Constructs a new ParameterException with the specified CommandLine and error message.
CommandLine.ParameterException(CommandLine, String, Exception) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ParameterException
Constructs a new ParameterException with the specified CommandLine and error message.
CommandLine.ParameterIndexGapException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that there was a gap in the indices of the fields annotated with CommandLine.Parameters.
CommandLine.ParameterIndexGapException(String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.ParameterIndexGapException
CommandLine.Parameters - Annotation Type in picocli
Fields annotated with @Parameters will be initialized with positional parameters.
CommandLine.ParentCommand - Annotation Type in picocli
Fields annotated with @ParentCommand will be initialized with the parent command of the current subcommand.
CommandLine.PicocliException - Exception in picocli
Base class of all exceptions thrown by picocli.CommandLine.
CommandLine.PicocliException(String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.PicocliException
CommandLine.PicocliException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.PicocliException
CommandLine.Range - Class in picocli
Describes the number of parameters required and accepted by an option or a positional parameter.
CommandLine.Range(int, int, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Constructs a new Range object with the specified parameters.
CommandLine.RunAll - Class in picocli
Command line parse result handler that prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the top-level command and all subcommands as Runnable or Callable.
CommandLine.RunAll() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.RunAll
CommandLine.RunFirst - Class in picocli
Command line parse result handler that prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the top-level Runnable or Callable command.
CommandLine.RunFirst() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.RunFirst
CommandLine.RunLast - Class in picocli
Command line parse result handler that prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the most specific Runnable or Callable subcommand.
CommandLine.RunLast() - Constructor for class picocli.CommandLine.RunLast
CommandLine.TypeConversionException - Exception in picocli
Exception thrown by CommandLine.ITypeConverter implementations to indicate a String could not be converted.
CommandLine.TypeConversionException(String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.TypeConversionException
CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException - Exception in picocli
Exception indicating that a command line argument could not be mapped to any of the fields annotated with CommandLine.Option or CommandLine.Parameters.
CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, Stack<String>) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException(CommandLine, List<String>) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
commandList() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a 2-column list with command names and the first line of their header or (if absent) description.
commandListHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the subcommand list.
commandListHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the command list; an empty string if there are no commands, otherwise the result of String.format(commandListHeading, params).
commandName - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
The String to use as the program name in the synopsis line of the help message.
commands(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for commands in this color scheme and returns this color scheme.
commandStyles - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
commandText(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all command styles applied to the specified command string.
compareTo(CommandLine.Range) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
contains(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns true if this Range includes the specified value, false otherwise.
convert(String) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.ITypeConverter
Converts the specified command line argument value to some domain object.
create(Class<K>) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IFactory
Creates and returns an instance of the specified class.
createCommandLine() - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Create and returns a new CommandLine instance.
createDefaultLayout() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a Layout instance configured with the user preferences captured in this Help instance.
createDefaultOptionRenderer() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a new default OptionRenderer which converts Options to five columns of text to match the default TextTable column layout.
createDefaultParameterRenderer() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a new default ParameterRenderer which converts Parameters to four columns of text to match the default TextTable column layout.
createDefaultParamLabelRenderer() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a new default value renderer that separates option parameters from their options with the specified separator string, surrounds optional parameters with '[' and ']' characters and uses ellipses ("...") to indicate that any number of a parameter are allowed.
createMinimalOptionRenderer() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a new minimal OptionRenderer which converts Options to a single row with two columns of text: an option name and a description.
createMinimalParameterRenderer() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a new minimal ParameterRenderer which converts Parameters to a single row with two columns of text: an option name and a description.
createMinimalParamLabelRenderer() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a value renderer that returns the paramLabel if defined or the field name otherwise.
createShortOptionArityAndNameComparator() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Sorts Fields annotated with Option by their option max arity first, by min arity next, and by option name last.
createShortOptionNameComparator() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Sorts Fields annotated with Option by their option name in case-insensitive alphabetic order.
CSI - Static variable in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle
The Control Sequence Introducer (CSI) escape sequence "\u001b[".
customSynopsis - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional custom synopsis lines to use instead of the auto-generated synopsis.
customSynopsis(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns command custom synopsis as a string.


DEFAULT_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Constant String holding the default program name: "<main class>"
DEFAULT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Constant String holding the default string that separates options from option parameters: "="
defaultArity(Field) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns the default arity Range: for options this is 0 for booleans and 1 for other types, for parameters booleans have arity 0, arrays or Collections have arity "0..*", and other types have arity 1.
defaultArity(Class<?>) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
defaultColorScheme(CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Creates and returns a new CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme initialized with picocli default values: commands are bold, options and parameters use a yellow foreground, and option parameters use italic.
description - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional text lines to use as the description of the help message, displayed between the synopsis and the options list.
description(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns command description text as a string.
descriptionHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the description section.
descriptionHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the description text; an empty string if there is no description, otherwise the result of String.format(descriptionHeading, params).
detailedSynopsis(Comparator<Field>, boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
detailedSynopsis(int, Comparator<Field>, boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Generates a detailed synopsis message showing all options and parameters.


enabled() - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi
Returns true if ANSI escape codes should be emitted, false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
equals(Object) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range


fg(String) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Parses the specified style markup and returns the associated style.
footer - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional footer text lines displayed at the bottom of the help message.
footer(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns command footer text as a string.
footerHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the footer section.
footerHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the footer text; the result of String.format(footerHeading, params).


getCommand() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the annotated object that this CommandLine instance was constructed with.
getCommandLine() - Method in exception picocli.CommandLine.ExecutionException
Returns the CommandLine object for the (sub)command that could not be invoked.
getCommandLine() - Method in exception picocli.CommandLine.ParameterException
Returns the CommandLine object for the (sub)command whose input could not be parsed.
getCommandName() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the command name (also called program name) displayed in the usage help synopsis.
getOrCreateCommandLine() - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Return the CommandLine for this script.
getParent() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the command that this is a subcommand of, or null if this is a top-level command.
getScriptArguments() - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Return the script arguments as an array of strings.
getSeparator() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the String that separates option names from option values when parsing command line options.
getStyledChars(int, int, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text, int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Copies the specified substring of this Text into the specified destination, preserving the markup.
getSubcommands() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns a map with the subcommands registered on this instance.
getUnmatchedArguments() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the list of unmatched command line arguments, if any.
getVersion() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IVersionProvider
Returns version information for a command.


handleException(CommandLine.ParameterException, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.DefaultExceptionHandler
handleException(CommandLine.ParameterException, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IExceptionHandler
Handles a ParameterException that occurred while parsing the command line arguments and optionally returns a list of results.
handleExecutionException(CommandLine, String[], Exception) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
If an Exception occurs during PicocliBaseScript.runRunnableSubcommand(List), or PicocliBaseScript.runScriptBody() then this gets called to report the problem.
handleParameterException(CommandLine.ParameterException, String[]) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
If a ParameterException occurs during PicocliBaseScript.parseScriptArguments(CommandLine, String[]) then this method gets called to report the problem.
handleParseResult(List<CommandLine>, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IParseResultHandler
Processes a List of CommandLine objects resulting from successfully parsing the command line arguments and optionally returns a list of results.
handleParseResult(List<CommandLine>, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunAll
Prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the top-level command and all subcommands as Runnable or Callable.
handleParseResult(List<CommandLine>, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunFirst
Prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the top-level Runnable or Callable command.
handleParseResult(List<CommandLine>, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.RunLast
Prints help if requested, and otherwise executes the most specific Runnable or Callable subcommand.
hashCode() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
hashCode() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
header - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional header lines displayed at the top of the help message.
header(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the command header text as a string.
headerHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the header section.
headerHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the header text; the result of String.format(headerHeading, params).


indent - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column
Indent (number of empty spaces at the start of the column preceding the text value)
indentWrappedLines - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
By default, indent wrapped lines by 2 spaces.
isExpandAtFiles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether arguments starting with '@' should be treated as the path to an argument file and its contents should be expanded into separate arguments for each line in the specified file.
isOverwrittenOptionsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether options for single-value fields can be specified multiple times on the command line.
isStopAtPositional() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser interprets the first positional parameter as "end of options" so the remaining arguments are all treated as positional parameters.
isStopAtUnmatched() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser should stop interpreting options and positional parameters as soon as it encounters an unmatched option.
isUnmatchedArgumentsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the end user may specify arguments on the command line that are not matched to any option or parameter fields.
isUsageHelpRequested() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns true if an option annotated with CommandLine.Option.usageHelp() was specified on the command line.
isVariable - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
isVersionHelpRequested() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns true if an option annotated with CommandLine.Option.versionHelp() was specified on the command line.


join(CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String[], StringBuilder, Object...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Formats each of the specified values and appends it to the specified StringBuilder.


layout(Field, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text[][]) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Copies the specified text values into the correct cells in the CommandLine.Help.TextTable.


main(String...) - Static method in class picocli.AutoComplete
Generates a bash completion script for the specified command class.
max - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Maximum accepted number of parameters for an option or positional parameter.
max(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns a new Range object with the max value replaced by the specified value.
min - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Required number of parameters for an option or positional parameter.
min(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns a new Range object with the min value replaced by the specified value.


off() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle
Returns the ANSI escape code for turning this style off.
off() - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
off(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Returns the concatenated ANSI escape codes for turning all specified styles off.
on() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle
Returns the ANSI escape code for turning this style on.
on() - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
on(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Returns the concatenated ANSI escape codes for turning all specified styles on.
optionArity(Field) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns a new Range based on the CommandLine.Option.arity() annotation on the specified field, or the field type's default arity if no arity was specified.
optionFields - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Immutable list of fields annotated with CommandLine.Option, in declaration order.
optionList() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a description of the options supported by the application.
optionList(CommandLine.Help.Layout, Comparator<Field>, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Sorts all Options with the specified comparator (if the comparator is non-null), then adds all non-hidden options to the specified TextTable and returns the result of TextTable.toString().
optionListHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the options list.
optionListHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the option list; an empty string if there are no options, otherwise the result of String.format(optionListHeading, params).
optionParams(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for option parameters in this color scheme and returns this color scheme.
optionParamStyles - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
optionParamText(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all optionParam styles applied to the specified optionParam string.
optionRenderer - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
options(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for options in this color scheme and returns this color scheme.
optionStyles - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
optionText(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all option styles applied to the specified option string.
overflow - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column
Policy that determines how to handle values larger than the column width.


parameterArity(Field) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns a new Range based on the CommandLine.Parameters.arity() annotation on the specified field, or the field type's default arity if no arity was specified.
parameterIndex(Field) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns a new Range based on the CommandLine.Parameters.index() annotation on the specified field.
parameterLabelRenderer - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Option and positional parameter value label renderer used for the synopsis line(s) and the option list.
parameterList() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the section of the usage help message that lists the parameters with their descriptions.
parameterList(CommandLine.Help.Layout, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the section of the usage help message that lists the parameters with their descriptions.
parameterListHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the parameter list.
parameterListHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the positional parameter list; an empty string if there are no positional parameters, otherwise the result of String.format(parameterListHeading, params).
parameterRenderer - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
parameters(CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Adds the specified styles to the registered styles for positional parameters in this color scheme and returns this color scheme.
parameterStyles - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
parameterText(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme
Returns a Text with all parameter styles applied to the specified parameter string.
parse(String) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Parses the specified comma-separated sequence of style descriptors and returns the associated styles.
parse(String...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Parses the specified command line arguments and returns a list of CommandLine objects representing the top-level command and any subcommands (if any) that were recognized and initialized during the parsing process.
parseScriptArguments(CommandLine, String[]) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Returns the result of calling CommandLine.parse(String...) with the given arguments.
parseWithHandler(CommandLine.IParseResultHandler, PrintStream, String...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns the result of calling CommandLine.parseWithHandlers(IParseResultHandler, PrintStream, Help.Ansi, IExceptionHandler, String...) with Help.Ansi.AUTO and a new CommandLine.DefaultExceptionHandler in addition to the specified parse result handler, PrintStream, and the specified command line arguments.
parseWithHandlers(CommandLine.IParseResultHandler, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, CommandLine.IExceptionHandler, String...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Tries to parse the specified command line arguments, and if successful, delegates the processing of the resulting list of CommandLine objects to the specified handler.
picocli - package picocli
Provides classes and interfaces for the main picocli command line parsing and autocompletion functionality.
picocli.groovy - package picocli.groovy
Provides classes and annotations to give Groovy scripts convenient access to picocli functionality.
PicocliBaseScript - Class in picocli.groovy
Base script class that provides picocli declarative (annotation-based) command line argument processing for Groovy scripts.
PicocliBaseScript() - Constructor for class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
PicocliScript - Annotation Type in picocli.groovy
Annotation to give Groovy scripts convenient access to picocli functionality.
PicocliScriptASTTransformation - Class in picocli.groovy
Ensures that Groovy scripts annotated with PicocliScript are transformed into a class that extends PicocliBaseScript.
PicocliScriptASTTransformation() - Constructor for class picocli.groovy.PicocliScriptASTTransformation
plainString() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns the plain text without any formatting.
populateCommand(T, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Convenience method that initializes the specified annotated object from the specified command line arguments.
positionalParametersFields - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Immutable list of fields annotated with CommandLine.Parameters, or an empty list if no such field exists.
printErrorMessage(String) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Error messages that arise from command line processing call this.
printHelpIfRequested(List<CommandLine>, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Helper method that may be useful when processing the list of CommandLine objects that result from successfully parsing command line arguments.
printHelpMessage(CommandLine) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
If an @Option whose usageHelp attribute is annotated as true appears in the arguments.
printVersionHelp(PrintStream) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
printVersionHelp(PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Prints version information from the CommandLine.Command.version() annotation to the specified PrintStream.
printVersionHelp(PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Prints version information from the CommandLine.Command.version() annotation to the specified PrintStream.
printVersionHelpMessage(CommandLine) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
If an @Option whose versionHelp attribute is annotated as true appears in the arguments.
putValue(int, int, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Writes the specified value into the cell at the specified row and column and returns the last row and column written to.


registerConverter(Class<K>, CommandLine.ITypeConverter<K>) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Registers the specified type converter for the specified class.
render(CommandLine.Option, Field, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.IOptionRenderer
Returns a text representation of the specified Option and the Field that captures the option value.
render(CommandLine.Parameters, Field, CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.IParameterRenderer
Returns a text representation of the specified Parameters and the Field that captures the parameter values.
renderParameterLabel(Field, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, List<CommandLine.Help.Ansi.IStyle>) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer
Returns a text rendering of the Option parameter or positional parameter; returns an empty string "" if the option is a boolean and does not take a parameter.
requiredOptionMarker - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Character used to prefix required options in the options list.
row - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable.Cell
Table row index (zero based).
rowCount() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Returns the current number of rows of this TextTable.
run(R, PrintStream, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
run(R, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Convenience method to allow command line application authors to avoid some boilerplate code in their application.
run() - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
Parses the command line and initializes @Field variables annotated with @Option or @Parameters before executing the script body.
runRunnableSubcommand(List<CommandLine>) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
If the most specific subcommand (the last CommandLine object in the list) implements Runnable or Callable, then run it.
runScriptBody() - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliBaseScript
The script body.


separator() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer
Returns the separator between option name and param label.
separator - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
The String to use as the separator between options and option parameters.
setCommandName(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the command name (also called program name) displayed in the usage help synopsis to the specified value.
setExpandAtFiles(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether arguments starting with '@' should be treated as the path to an argument file and its contents should be expanded into separate arguments for each line in the specified file.
setOverwrittenOptionsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether options for single-value fields can be specified multiple times on the command line without a CommandLine.OverwrittenOptionException being thrown.
setSeparator(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets the String the parser uses to separate option names from option values to the specified value.
setStopAtPositional(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the parser interprets the first positional parameter as "end of options" so the remaining arguments are all treated as positional parameters.
setStopAtUnmatched(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the parser should stop interpreting options and positional parameters as soon as it encounters an unmatched option.
setUnmatchedArgumentsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Sets whether the end user may specify unmatched arguments on the command line without a CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException being thrown.
shortestFirst() - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Sorts short strings before longer strings.
showDefaultValues - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
If true, the options list will show default values for all options except booleans.
sortOptions - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
If true, the options list is sorted alphabetically.
splitLines() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
substring(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a new Text instance that is a substring of this Text.
substring(int, int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a new Text instance that is a substring of this Text.
synopsis() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
synopsis(int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns a synopsis for the command, reserving the specified space for the synopsis heading.
synopsisHeading - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Optional heading preceding the synopsis.
synopsisHeading(Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the text displayed before the synopsis text; the result of String.format(synopsisHeading, params).
synopsisHeadingLength() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the number of characters the synopsis heading will take on the same line as the synopsis.


table - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
textAt(int, int) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Returns the Text slot at the specified row and column to write a text value into.
toString() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text
Returns a String representation of the text with ANSI escape codes embedded, unless ANSI is CommandLine.Help.Ansi.enabled() not enabled}, in which case the plain text is returned.
toString() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Layout
Returns the section of the usage help message accumulated in the TextTable owned by this layout.
toString(StringBuilder) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
Copies the text representation that we built up from the options into the specified StringBuilder.
toString() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
toString() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range


usage(Object, PrintStream) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Equivalent to new CommandLine(command).usage(out).
usage(Object, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Equivalent to new CommandLine(command).usage(out, ansi).
usage(Object, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
Equivalent to new CommandLine(command).usage(out, colorScheme).
usage(PrintStream) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
usage(PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
usage(PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Prints a usage help message for the annotated command class to the specified PrintStream.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column.Overflow
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Leniently parses the specified String as an Range value and return the result.
values() - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column.Overflow
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class picocli.CommandLine
This is picocli version "2.3.0".
visit(ASTNode[], SourceUnit) - Method in class picocli.groovy.PicocliScriptASTTransformation


width - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column
Column width in characters