Module info.picocli
Package picocli

Interface CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
    Encapculates type information for an option or parameter to make this information available both at runtime and at compile time (when Class values are not available). Most of the methods in this interface (but not all!) are safe to use by annotation processors.
    • Method Detail

      • isBoolean

        boolean isBoolean()
        Returns true if getType() is boolean or java.lang.Boolean.
      • isMultiValue

        boolean isMultiValue()
        Returns true if getType() is an array, map or collection. Note that from picocli 4.7, char[] arrays are considered single values (similar to String) and are not treated as arrays.
      • isOptional

        boolean isOptional()
        Returns true if getType() is java.util.Optional
      • isArray

        boolean isArray()
        Returns true if this type is an array multi-value type. Note that from picocli 4.7, char[] arrays are considered single values (similar to String) and are not treated as arrays.
      • isCollection

        boolean isCollection()
      • isMap

        boolean isMap()
      • isEnum

        boolean isEnum()
        Returns true if getType() is an enum.
      • getEnumConstantNames

        List<String> getEnumConstantNames()
      • getClassName

        String getClassName()
      • getClassSimpleName

        String getClassSimpleName()
      • getActualGenericTypeArguments

        List<String> getActualGenericTypeArguments()
        Returns the names of the type arguments if this is a generic type. For example, returns ["java.lang.String"] if this type is List<String>.
      • getType

        Class<?> getType()
        Returns the class that the option or parameter value should be converted to when matched on the command line. This method is not safe for annotation processors to use.
        the class that the option or parameter value should be converted to
      • getAuxiliaryTypes

        Class<?>[] getAuxiliaryTypes()
        Returns the component class of an array, or the parameter type of a generic Collection, or the parameter types of the key and the value of a generic Map. This method is not safe for annotation processors to use.
        the component type or types of an array, Collection or Map type