Module info.picocli
Package picocli

Interface CommandLine.IExecutionExceptionHandler

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface CommandLine.IExecutionExceptionHandler
    Classes implementing this interface know how to handle Exceptions that occurred while executing the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of the command.

    Implementation Requirements:

    Implementors that need to print messages to the console should use the output and error PrintWriters, and the color scheme from the CommandLine object obtained from the exception.

    API Note:

    This interface supersedes CommandLine.IExceptionHandler2.

    Example usage:

     IExecutionExceptionHandler errorHandler = new IExecutionExceptionHandler() {
         public int handleExecutionException(Exception ex,
                                             CommandLine commandLine,
                                             ParseResult parseResult) {
             //ex.printStackTrace(); // no stack trace
             return commandLine.getCommandSpec().exitCodeOnExecutionException();
     int exitCode = new CommandLine(new App())
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • handleExecutionException

        int handleExecutionException​(Exception ex,
                                     CommandLine commandLine,
                                     CommandLine.ParseResult fullParseResult)
                              throws Exception
        Handles an Exception that occurred while executing the Runnable or Callable command and returns an exit code suitable for returning from CommandLine.execute(String...).
        ex - the Exception thrown by the Runnable, Callable or Method user object of the command
        commandLine - the CommandLine representing the command or subcommand where the exception occurred
        fullParseResult - the result of parsing the command line arguments. This is the ParseResult of the top-level command. Note that if the exception occurred in a subcommand, you may want to inspect the ParseResult of the subcommand that threw the exception, which can be obtained by calling commandLine.getParseResult() on the CommandLine object passed to this method.
        an exit code