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indent - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.Column
Indent (number of empty spaces at the start of the column preceding the text value)
indentWrappedLines - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
By default, indent wrapped lines by 2 spaces.
index() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec.Builder
Returns an index or range specifying which of the command line arguments should be assigned to this positional parameter.
index() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec
Returns an index or range specifying which of the command line arguments should be assigned to this positional parameter.
index() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Specify an index ("0", or "1", etc.) to pick which of the command line arguments should be assigned to this field.
index(String) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec.Builder
Sets the index or range specifying which of the command line arguments should be assigned to this positional parameter, and returns this builder.
index(CommandLine.Range) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec.Builder
Sets the index or range specifying which of the command line arguments should be assigned to this positional parameter, and returns this builder.
info(String, Object...) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Tracer
Prints the specified message if the current trace level is INFO or higher.
INFO - picocli.CommandLine.TraceLevel
info.picocli - module info.picocli
Defines API and implementation for parsing command line arguments and creating command line (CLI) applications.
info.picocli.codegen - module info.picocli.codegen
Defines a picocli annotation processor API and implementation, and tools for generating GraalVM configuration files and man-page documentation.
info.picocli.groovy - module info.picocli.groovy
Defines API and implementation for building command line (CLI) applications with Groovy scripts.
info.picocli.shell.jline2 - module info.picocli.shell.jline2
Defines picocli-based implementations of JLine 2 APIs for building interactive command line (REPL) applications.
info.picocli.shell.jline3 - module info.picocli.shell.jline3
Defines picocli-based implementations of JLine 3 APIs for building interactive command line (REPL) applications.
info.picocli.spring.boot - module info.picocli.spring.boot
Defines Spring-based implementations of picocli APIs and picocli-based implementations of Spring APIs for integrating picocli with Spring Boot and Spring Boot AutoConfiguration.
INHERIT - picocli.CommandLine.ScopeType
The element exists in the command where the element is defined and all descendants (subcommands, sub-subcommands, etc.).
inherited() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns whether this option is inherited from a parent command.
inherited() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns whether this command is inherited from a parent command.
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class picocli.codegen.annotation.processing.AbstractCommandSpecProcessor
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class picocli.codegen.aot.graalvm.processor.NativeImageConfigGeneratorProcessor
init(CommandLine, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.HelpCommand
init(CommandLine, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IHelpCommandInitializable
init(CommandLine, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme, PrintWriter, PrintWriter) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.HelpCommand
Initializes this object with the information needed to implement a help command that provides usage help for other commands.
init(CommandLine, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme, PrintWriter, PrintWriter) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.IHelpCommandInitializable2
Initializes this object with the information needed to implement a help command that provides usage help for other commands.
InitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.InitializationException
InitializationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception picocli.CommandLine.InitializationException
initialValue() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns the initial value of this option or positional parameter: the value that, if CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec.hasInitialValue() is true, the option will be reset to before parsing (regardless of whether a default value exists), to clear values that would otherwise remain from parsing previous input.
insertSynopsisCommandName(int, CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Text) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help
Returns the detailed synopsis text by inserting the command name before the specified text with options and positional parameters details.
interactive() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns whether this option will prompt the user to enter a value on the command line.
interactive() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Option
Set interactive=true to make this option prompt the end user for a value (like a password).
interactive() - Method in annotation type picocli.CommandLine.Parameters
Set interactive=true if this positional parameter will prompt the end user for a value (like a password).
internalShowDefaultValue(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns whether the default for this option or positional parameter should be shown, potentially overriding the specified global setting.
internalShowDefaultValue(boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
interpolateVariables() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns whether variables should be interpolated in String values.
interpolateVariables(Boolean) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Sets whether variables should be interpolated in String values.
invoke(String, Class<?>, PrintStream, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
invoke(String, Class<?>, PrintStream, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
invoke(String, Class<?>, PrintStream, CommandLine.Help.Ansi, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
invoke(String, Class<?>, String...) - Static method in class picocli.CommandLine
invoke(CommandRegistry.CommandSession, String, Object...) - Method in class picocli.shell.jline3.PicocliCommands
isAbbreviatedOptionsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether abbreviation of option names should be allowed when matching options.
isAbbreviatedSubcommandsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether abbreviation of subcommands should be allowed when matching subcommands.
isAccessible() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.MethodParam
isAddMethodSubcommands() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.CommandSpec
Returns whether method commands should be added as subcommands.
isAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Help.TextTable
isAdjustLineBreaksForWideCJKCharacters() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether line breaks should take wide Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters into account for line-breaking purposes.
isAllowOptionsAsOptionParameters() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether options can have parameter values that match the name of an option in this command, or whether such values should be rejected with a missing parameter exception.
isAllowSubcommandsAsOptionParameters() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether options can have parameter values that match subcommand names or aliases, or whether such values should be rejected with a missing parameter exception.
isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isArgGroup() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isArgSpec() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isArray() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
Returns true if this type is an array multi-value type.
isBoolean() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
Returns true if CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo.getType() is boolean or java.lang.Boolean.
isCaseInsensitiveEnumValuesAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser should ignore case when converting arguments to enum values.
isCollection() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
isDebug() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Tracer
Returns whether the current trace level is DEBUG (the highest).
isDefault() - Method in interface picocli.codegen.annotation.processing.ITypeMetaData
Returns true if the annotated element did not have the annotation attribute.
isEmpty() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult.GroupMatch
Returns true if this match has no matched arguments and no matched subgroups.
isEnabled(CommandLine.TraceLevel) - Method in enum picocli.CommandLine.TraceLevel
Returns whether messages at the specified other trace level would be printed for the current trace level.
isEnum() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
Returns true if CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo.getType() is an enum.
isExpandAtFiles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether arguments starting with '@' should be treated as the path to an argument file and its contents should be expanded into separate arguments for each line in the specified file.
isInfo() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Tracer
Returns whether the current trace level is INFO or higher.
isInteractive() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isInterpolateVariables() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether variables should be interpolated in String values.
isMap() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
isMethodParameter() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isMixin() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isMultiValue() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns true if this argument's CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec.type() is an array, a Collection or a Map, false otherwise.
isMultiValue() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isMultiValue() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
Returns true if CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo.getType() is an array, map or collection.
isOff() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Tracer
Returns whether the current trace level is OFF (the lowest).
isOption() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns true if this argument is a named option, false otherwise.
isOption() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isOption() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
isOption() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec
isOptional() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo
Returns true if CommandLine.Model.ITypeInfo.getType() is java.util.Optional
isOptionsCaseInsensitive() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether upper case and lower case should be ignored when matching option names.
isOverwrittenOptionsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether options for single-value fields can be specified multiple times on the command line.
isParameter() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isParentCommand() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isPositional() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Returns true if this argument is a positional parameter, false otherwise.
isPositional() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.OptionSpec
isPositional() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.PositionalParamSpec
isPosixClusteredShortOptionsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser accepts clustered short options.
isRelative() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns true if this Range contains a relative index like "1+", or false if this Range does not contain any relative indices.
isSpec() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isSplitQuotedStrings() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Most applications should not change the default. The rare application that does need to split parameter values without respecting quotes should use CommandLine.Model.ParserSpec.splitQuotedStrings(boolean).
isStopAtPositional() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser interprets the first positional parameter as "end of options" so the remaining arguments are all treated as positional parameters.
isStopAtUnmatched() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser should stop interpreting options and positional parameters as soon as it encounters an unmatched option.
isSubcommandsCaseInsensitive() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether upper case and lower case should be ignored when matching subcommands.
isSubgroupOf(CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec) - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgGroupSpec
Returns true if this group is a subgroup (or a nested sub-subgroup, to any level of depth) of the specified group, false otherwise.
isToggleBooleanFlags() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the value of boolean flag options should be "toggled" when the option is matched.
isTrimQuotes() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the parser should trim quotes from command line arguments.
isUnknownOption() - Method in exception picocli.CommandLine.UnmatchedArgumentException
Returns true if the first unmatched command line arguments resembles an option, false otherwise.
isUnmatched() - Method in interface picocli.CommandLine.Model.IAnnotatedElement
isUnmatchedArgumentsAllowed() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether the end user may specify arguments on the command line that are not matched to any option or parameter fields.
isUnmatchedOptionsAllowedAsOptionParameters() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether options can have parameter values that resemble an option, or whether such values should be rejected as unknown options.
isUnmatchedOptionsArePositionalParams() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether arguments on the command line that resemble an option should be treated as positional parameters.
isUnresolved() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns true if this range contains a relative index like "1+", or variables that have not been expanded yet, false if this Range does not contain any variables or relative indices.
isUnspecified() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns true if this Range is a default value, false if the user specified this value.
isUsageHelpAutoWidth() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether picocli should attempt to detect the terminal size and adjust the usage help message width to take the full terminal width.
isUsageHelpRequested() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns true if an option annotated with CommandLine.Option.usageHelp() was specified on the command line.
isUsageHelpRequested() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
Returns true if one of the options that was matched on the command line is a usageHelp option.
isUseSimplifiedAtFiles() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns whether to use a simplified argument file format that is compatible with JCommander.
isValueGettable() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec
Check whether the CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec.getValue() method is able to get an actual value from the current CommandLine.Model.ArgSpec.getter().
isVariable - Variable in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
isVariable() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Range
Returns true if this range has no fixed upper bound.
isVersionHelpRequested() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine
Returns true if an option annotated with CommandLine.Option.versionHelp() was specified on the command line.
isVersionHelpRequested() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult
Returns true if one of the options that was matched on the command line is a versionHelp option.
isWarn() - Method in class picocli.CommandLine.Tracer
Returns whether the current trace level is WARN or higher.
italic - picocli.CommandLine.Help.Ansi.Style
ITypeMetaData - Interface in picocli.codegen.annotation.processing
Abstraction over annotation attributes that take a class (or array of classes) as their value.
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